If you are charging anywhere from 10k to 100k+ and deliver excellent results for your clients based on your genius but…
you feel there is a massive shift coming…
you are just not sure exactly how to navigate these changes and restructure your company so you no longer have to carry the entire vision and delivery of your medicine on your shoulders…
you might be interested in the #autonomousmultimillioncompanyplaybook that I’ll be giving insights to next week and will be released this month.
To give you some hints about results and transition that we’ve undertaken…
I’ve retired from coaching at the age of 30 after 15 years of pioneering a movement that is changing the world for decades to come and will be the foundation of reinventing the education system and how businesses operate as a force for the entire planet without sacrificing the life-force.
I was able to transition from being the face of the brand and charging 6-figures to work with me privately to hiring a multi-million team that took on the delivery of our multiple 6-figure contracts while executing my retirement plan for two companies that will be completed at the end of 2021.
Meaning… two of my companies will be bringing in multi-millions without me having to do any work. I can if I want to. But there is a massive difference between having to show up to make money and showing up because I want to create something for the pure pleasure of creating the masterpiece. That’s the essence of an artist and a PIONEER at heart.
At the end of 2021, I will solely be focusing on my third company that is my creative artistic expression and another philanthropic project that I am getting off the ground in the meantime.
You can ask me any questions in the comments and I am happy to answer them in a short post or video over the next week.
In case you are interested to grab the only mentoring spot that I’ve decided to open up one spot and offer it to the perfect fit client. I had two people apply that were not in the best position to receive the results.
If you feel called to get 1:1 mentorship from me until the end of the year to bring your Pioneer Creation into the world and hand over the 9-figure execution to your multi-million team you can reach out. I have one spot.
I also don’t coach anymore. And haven’t taken on a client 1:1 for over a year. I don’t need to sell you something to make money. I would love to work closely with a person that is the absolute perfect fit and see you grow beyond your wildest dreams. The investment is a 5-figure monthly investment.
Rock on and Happy Weekend,

We invite you to create Your #MultiMillionMasterpiece By Adding a Monthly Recurring and Passive Revenue Stream to Your Business as well as Raising Your Prices to 100K+ for Access to Your Time.

By working with 10 clients a year at 100K+ for high-level projects or mentorship while adding a recurring revenue model to your business that your team facilitates and scaling a passive revenue stream as much as you’d like, you have all the basics covered to create your #MultiMillionMasterpiece.

You only work with clients that you love and adore at the highest level and even if you step away for a 3-month vacation while your team is running the daily operations and delivering exceptional client care, your revenue won’t take a dip. Click here to get all the details!

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