We’re in a world where social media is abundant in our lives. It’s present everywhere—our personal lives, business, and usually our source of updates to what’s going on in the world. 

Although you might have noticed that your attention span is getting worse, you feel bored faster, and you’re not as motivated as you were years ago. This might be a sign of social media overdose, and it’s slowly destroying your life. 


But what’s social media overdose? 

Have you ever noticed that after surfing through your feed on whatever social media platform you’re on, you feel great? Whenever you see something that interests you, it fills you up, and you suddenly fall into a strange rabbit hole of social media updates. And then immediately after, you feel tired and bored—nothing in your day seems to be noteworthy, and you just spiral into burnout or demotivation. 

An overdose of dopamine causes that. Are you familiar with dopamineDopamine is an organic chemical of the catecholamine and phenethylamine families. Dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It’s basically your own reward system that gives us pleasure whenever we do something we love. But you know what happens when there’s too much of something, right? 

We overdose ourselves by looking at things that interest and stimulate our minds… and for those of you who spend hours on social media, that’s a whole lot of dopamine for one day. Doing this makes everything else seem subpar when you start doing your work. This is where the frustrations begin… because on social media, you only see the end goals, the rewards, and the happiness of someone who probably worked their a** off for years. While it does motivate you, at the end of the day, it shows you that you’re not there yet. What you don’t see is the hard work and the struggles behind those wins. 

Something happened to me before I became who I am right now. 

Click here to watch the full story on how I innocently ended up in prison. 

Out of these three years sentence, I spent two years in incarceration in a 3rd world country with no way out but through. 

But what this video doesn’t tell you is the story before I got sentenced. 


Let’s recap for a second… 

When I got arrested, I spent a week in holding cells that looked worse than your toilet after you just 💩 

Because I didn’t yet have my lawyer nor my translator present at the hearing, I refused to take a plea, and my case was adjourned for a month later. 

I was transferred from one island to another because the Women’s Prison where I was being detained for that month until my case was reopened, wasn’t on the same island.  

By the time, I already had fastened for the entire time because I literally refused to eat anything from the minute I got arrested. And before you ask… I’ll get to the reason for my innocent incarceration in a second. 

I did complete water fast because I wanted to keep my energy high and have a super clear mind so I could focus all my attention on getting out. I quickly realised that the fastest way out of this hell was getting a fine and paying that so I wouldn’t have to do time in prison. 

That’s what I aimed for and where I put all my focus on. I spent the entire month as a reminder to collect data and validate my goal of getting a fine and going back home. 

Whenever I saw another woman who was being set up with hidden drugs like I was getting a fine and returning home, I was so sure that the same would happen to me. I imagined it, I saw it, and I felt it, and my energy was higher than ever. I had no doubts when I walked into the courtroom a month later that I would get a fine and go back home. 

As you know from the video above, I did not get to return home with a fine and instead spent two years innocently incarcerated in a 3rd world country. 

The point? There’s a story of struggle behind every success. Sure, social media is great, but it can act as an escape that might become your downfall. The posts we see and the big wins we read about are just that—the wins. 

But whenever we see these wins, we’re overdosing ourselves with too much hype that we can’t help but compare it to others’ success whenever we look at ourselves. We then end up pushing harder and doing more to attain our goals and neglect other important areas of our life. This is what creates the burnout we feel 

It’s not what we are doing but how we are doing what we are doing and the intention behind our actions. So how do we change the intention behind our action and bring every area of our business back in alignment? 

Discover what you’re passionate about and stick with that. 

You can’t compare yourself with others’ success. Why? Because that’s other people’s success… not yours. Whether they’re earning seven or eight or even nine figures, that doesn’t change who you are. You have to focus on your passion, your mission, and your goals. 

When I innocently ended up in prison, it was a blessing. That was the beginning of a journey inwards to uncover, integrate and master a life where I have no longer been able to manifest everything I want with my mindset or my energy and the profound dedication towards my True Life Purpose and my Mission here on Earth began. 

In those two years, I uncovered the Basic Human Illusions that most people operate on and how most of the marketing and sales techniques in the online coaching industry are built on that very foundation that is draining the life force out of people instead of protecting it, so they end up working too hard and give up because of burn-out. 

I realized that there was a much simpler way to have an impact and maintain a life of freedom while still turning over multi-millions. And that way did not involve working myself to the bone and constantly burying my head behind a screen. 

I focused on my passion, charged multiple 5- and 6-figures for my offers and only worked 4 hours and 4 days per week. 

The rest of my time I spent playing with my dog, sailing, exercising or painting.  

Tabita and the PioneerU Team 


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By working with 10 clients a year at 100K+ for high-level projects or mentorship while adding a recurring revenue model to your business that your team facilitates and scaling a passive revenue stream as much as you’d like, you have all the basics covered to create your #MultiMillionMasterpiece.

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