Pioneer Women


Beloved Pioneer Woman,

This is an invitation to join us for the Pioneer Women Circle™. It is a monthly membership for the women of all walks of life called rebellious, visionary, "mentally and emotionally disabled", artistic, empathic, wild, crazy, undomesticated, too much, too deep, too sensitive, too big, too much alive and too much of all the things.

It's For Her Who Wants to Fall Deeply in Love With Herself and Unleash Her Wild Essence By Stepping Up as a Pioneer Woman that Boldly Creates the Impossible in the Void.

As seen in

It's me Tabita Dietrich - Founder of PioneerU™ and Host of the Pioneer Women Circle™ 🦋 I am so happy you are here! 

This is the gateway that will change everything for you - minus the grinding, hard work and pushing for outcomes but instead you will elevate your life and all your creations/companies to art where all of life effortlessly synchronizes your success.

Here are some facts about me that I think you should know.

I experienced many near-death experiences and all of them have shown me one common pattern...

The only thing I'd regret if I would have died that day was the woman I wanted to become but never dared to be.

🌟 Fearless

🌟 Powerful

🌟 Fully unleashed

🌟 Taking no prisoners

🌟 Doesn't care what other people think about her

🌟 Unapologetic and confident in who she is

🌟 True to herself

🌟 Changing the world

There were many more aspects floating around in me, but I was anything other than that.

I was broken, suicidal, confused, angry, alone, hurt, sad, bitter, resentful, voiceless, invisible and mentally disabled and put on medication with the label that I would never be able to function in society at only 15 years of age.

It took me a few more months to realize that I would never get the help I needed from my therapist who believed I was co-dependent and wouldn't survive without him for 4 weeks while he was on vacation. 

So I decided to call him on his vacation as an emergency and told him that I no longer wanted to see him when he returned and that I would also throw my medication in the bin and continue my path as I see fit.

He advised against it. I did it anyway - fired him and threw away my medication.

That's when my quest for healing, personal development and my path to enlightenment began that only and ever is accomplished through emotional and physical work. 

Everything that I've accomplished in my life is because of the decision that I made back then to follow my biggest vision even if no one believed in it.

Let's just say, I was tested over and over again because who comes up with such a crazy idea that you could actually change the world.

Back then I didn't know how big my mission on this planet is. I was so busy mastering myself and finding a way to live that I never thought about it. 

My vision has expanded massively but not because I searched for it, but because I was always willing to take the next step into the unknown that was laid out in front of me and I trusted myself that I always had my back.

Whatever it is you are looking to accomplish...

🌟 Getting married or finding the love of your life

🌟 Healing your trauma

🌟 Charging 100K+ for your services

🌟 Becoming world-famous

🌟 Impacting millions of people

🌟 Sharing art that changes people at a cellular level

🌟 Helping others become the best version of themselves

🌟 Being a multi 7-figure business owner or serial entrepreneur

It starts with you becoming the woman that you've never dared to be. Everything else is a by-product of this decision and your daily actions that align to fully embody her.

It's not a path that you want to go alone. It's easy to get lost and caught up in all the shiny objects and distractions.

We are so much more powerful together - rising in Sisterhood with Strong Women who have our back and are not afraid to speak the uncomfortable truth. 

I am here for it as you know because who you see is who I am every single day with every single person no matter if it's a stranger or a loved one.

It's that powerful, confident, taking no prisoners and not hiding my truth and fighting for what I believe in that's helped me navigate and create everything in my life.

🌟 My first Bestselling Book at Age 26

🌟 My first 100k day

🌟 My first multiple 6-figure deal

🌟 My first million dollar deal

🌟 My first multi-million benchmark

🌟 My first viral video with almost half a million views

People will disrespect, lie, manipulate and devalue you. They will spit in your face, turn on you and leave you. 

If you are not ok with the possibility that everyone will potentially abandon you and you could die all alone, you are living in co-dependency.

That means we got work to do!

It starts here!

I would love to support you in breaking free and becoming the version of you that makes the Impossible happen in the void...

...minus the pushing, grind, working all the time and secretly hating yourself because you feel trapped in the small box that you've crawled into to make everyone around you comfortable and fit in.

It's time to unleash her, so you can fall madly and deeply in love with yourself and become who you've always been.

But first, we need to address this very important topic... Hidden shame around money, power and out-succeeding men...

Whenever I have conversations around money and quantum wealth with people close to me, especially men, they do get triggered a lot.

Women are not supposed to make more money than men. Especially not when they are really young and didn't fall into the trap of making millions by working hard until their retirement in their 60s.

I was 27 when I told a male relative of mine that I will be a millionaire before my 30th birthday. He just laughed at me and said, it takes a lifetime to become a millionaire. I worked my entire life to build two companies to accumulate the wealth that I have today, allowing me to retire at 65 with multi-millions. 

I told him that working for money is an old concept and that he would have made this happen a lot sooner if he would have invested his money so that it works for him and given up on the idea that working hard is necessary to build wealth. It's not!

We had a back and forth argument that led nowhere so I didn't waste any more time on convincing someone of a reality that wasn't his.

I've seen the money power-play in so many different scenarios in my own life and with family and friends to know that the unhealed men use money as a power play and a weapon to keep women trapped and submissive and that unhealed women subconsciously participate in that because they believe they don't deserve anything better.

If you are a man reading this... I don't say all men are like that. I simply share my experience as a woman and I say unhealed men and women participate in this game. And it's time to do better. 

This is why I started my first business at 15 and my online coaching business at 18. I didn't want to depend on a man to provide for me and have no money of my own.

I do want a man to be a provider and have my own money at the same time. That's when we both can come as a whole to the table and we each can express our inherent nature as man and woman without co-dependency and power-plays.

It's so massively important to clear these ancestral patterns around money, confidence and self-worth to uplevel into quantum wealth.

This is exactly what our Ascended Wealth Mastery Ceremony focused on that you'll get immediate access to inside the Pioneer Women Circle™.

If you'll find yourself in any of these scenarios:

🌟 A high-income month followed by a low-income month

🌟 Money comes in, money goes out

🌟 Having to work hard or not pleasurable to make money

🌟 Shame around money and wealth conversations

🌟 Feeling like you have to hide your success

🌟 Making yourself smaller when in a room full of successful men

🌟 Dreaming about big money but not achieving the desired result

🌟 Repeated income months without the declared cash flow in your business

🌟 Bad experiences with previous mentors and your investments

🌟 Bad experiences with clients who invested big money with you

🌟 Bad experiences in any other transaction in your life

🌟 Scarcity and lack while growing up

🌟 Parents, siblings or people in your circle who trash wealthy people

🌟 Being exposed to greed and power-plays around money

🌟 Observing other wealthy people and thinking you'll never get there or asking yourself when it will be your turn

🌟 Being a slave to your desk and working 40 hours per week as a business owner to sustain your million-dollar business

🌟 And so much more

That means we got work to do! It starts here!

I would love to support you in breaking free and becoming the version of you that makes the Impossible happen in the void inside the Pioneer Women Circle...

...minus the pushing, grind, working all the time and secretly hating yourself because you feel trapped in the small box that you've crawled into to make everyone around you comfortable and fit in.

It's time to unleash her, so you can fall madly and deeply in love with yourself and become who you've always been.

The Pioneer Women Circle™ for Women only is your portal to support your inner work to heal ancestral traumas, step into your nourished and deeply supported womanhood and magnetize all your desires by surrendering to pleasure, prosperity and nourishment.

We'll be focusing on trauma-informed work, ceremonies, breath, sound, movement and healing your nervous system so that you can hold your expansion not just financially but also energetically.

I have never been more excited to launch something that is so deeply close to my heart and will be one of the very few things I will be actively leading once the year 2021 is over.

If you'd like to work with me in a capacity as a female client to expand beyond your wildest dreams and create the impossible in the void, this is the space to be.

We will be experiencing and diving into the following in this sisterhood:

🌟 Doing ceremonies in nature to physicalise your creations and co-create with all of life.

🌟 Following your natural cycles as a woman and reorganise your life and business structures accordingly.

🌟 Working with sound, breath and movement to clear old layers of conditioning and trauma in your body, mind and nervous system.

🌟 Calibrating your energy to surrender deeper into our embodied experience.

🌟 Detoxing and decluttering all aspects of constricted, numb and silenced womanhood and false patriarchy.

🌟 Upleveling to your true standards physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, relationally, sexually, financially, creatively and globally without force, hustle, pushing or mindset work.

🌟 Reducing your work-week to 16 hours or less per week if you are an entrepreneur

🌟 Becoming so intimate and falling madly and deeply in love with yourself to reverse the slow dying process of your wild, untamed and holy Nature.

🌟 Unleashing the Art of the Pioneer Woman within you to access your most brilliant and never before seen projects that reinvent and rewire your entire being and life.

🌟 Becoming the woman you always most admired to be your only and Highest Authority so you to stop caring how you look on the outside and whether or not what you are saying or doing is appropriate to society and loved ones.

🌟 Returning to your Spiritual Roots and becoming deeply aware what you've come to master to be expanded and grounded at the same time so that challenges and obstacles don’t seem like a mountain anymore and you pushing the stone up the hill like sisyphus.

🌟 Honouring the Land you are on and everywhere you go and get the blessing from its Ancestors before you think about Personal Gain, Global Visibility, World Travels and Retreats.

🌟 Crossing the threshold into the Unknown and Unseen to becoming the Pioneer Woman that boldly creates the Impossible in the Void.

🌟 Deeply grounding and relaxing on a cellular level and saying goodbye to overstimulation, stress and coffee first thing in the morning for your adrenal glands to be nourished and for you to be supported and wealthy in every way not just financially.

🌟 Locking into the rhythms of nature, establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and returning to your roots to becoming the woman who is living your most expanded vision now.

🌟 And so much more... 

    In the membership you get:

    🌟 two group calls with Tabita and other Facilitators per month with a week break in between

    🌟 detailed rituals, tools and practices

    🌟 unlimited daily feedback on your questions inside the Community where the Pioneer Women Circle™ gathers

    🌟 video feedback and training material on specific questions inside your membership portal

    🌟 new training videos and workbooks released on a bi-weekly basis

    🌟 access to the LifeSkills Academy (€88/month)

    🌟 access to the Declutter Detox Challenge (€88 one-time payment)

    🌟 access to the Pioneer Women Circle™ membership and community for as long as you stay in the membership

    The membership is a perfect fit for you if you know you want to fall madly and deeply in love with yourself and become the woman that you've always dreamt about while having a sisterhood of strong women who support, hold and love you through it all.

    This membership is recurring and you can stay in it for as long as you need until you've become the woman you want to be or cancel anytime if it's no longer a fit. The current monthly fee is a 3-figure investment or a yearly 4-figure investment. 

    If this sounds like something you're interested in, click below to be taken to the overview page where you can choose whether you'd like to pay on a monthly subscription or book an entire year and save two months of subscription fees.

    Disclaimer: Our role is to support and assist you in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this Website. You are solely responsible for your results.

    © PioneerU Ltd.  |  All Rights Reserved.